they don’t call it a comeback.

If you were a teen in the 90’s, you are as we speak pulling out your Nike hoodie (bunny hug for those of you in a certain Canadian Province) and you, yes you my friend are going to have LL Cool J swagger all day long. You are coming back.You’re welcome.

The reinvention. The comeback. Most commonly spurred by a move to a new city (finding my groove nearly a year on, thank you very much), a new season (spring is bliss), Mercury in Retrograde finally saying adios (May 3 can’t come soon enough), a new month, or hell maybe it’s just you be true to your inner Gone with the Wind, you are your own version of Scarlett, standing in the blazes of Tara, because tomorrow is another day ‘insert strong hand gesture and longing gaze here’

Anyway, after a furry of wine dates and chats with my girlfriends over the past few weeks, I realized I had been privy to witnessing a heck of a lot of comebacks.  And they were remarkable, the women I have the privilege to work with, yoga with, socialize with, most of them were embracing change as a challenge they were ready to rock, they were game on for a metamorphic shift. The comebacks ranged from honouring suppressed talents, beating health scares, telling someone where to really go, to looking rejection in the face and not letting it phase them, with their eye on the prize climbing the career ladder.

These comebacks weren’t limited to the women in my life, probably one of the most powerful recent comebacks was from Beau’s dad. Having suffered a mini stroke, causing Beau and I to hightail it over to our hometown in a panic one weekend to suss out the damage. Day 1 of recovery was rough, it was a shocker, especially when put into perspective the strength in this man, he was a Royal Marine my friends, can we say bad ass? Day 2, the sparkle was back in his eyes, as was the Scottish charm, going so far as to give me a wink and comment on my ‘nice legs’ sounding just like Sean Connery. Bless him.

My point, comebacks are not limited to one demographic or another, and it doesn’t matter what your comeback is, the point is you embraced it. I was once told, that it is easier to do nothing that it is to do something. I thought that was the most terrible thing I had ever heard. Why would you want to do nothing? Seriously, what does doing nothing achieve other than laziness? As Rosa Luxemberg said, ‘those who do not move, never notice their chains’. So fist pump coming your way for the fact that you did something, you got up on the saddle, your threw away your training wheels and honoured those yucky feelings of uneasiness that come from a comeback.

As for me, I had been so busy, like manic busy learning the Toronto hustle (which, for the record is soooooo much different than the west coast hustle), my ‘free’ time was at a premium.  Then out of the blue, the fruits of my hustle were blooming and  just what I needed came my way. I had written a piece at work and my boss reached out with the ultimate comment ‘you are an amazing writer and storyteller’ so with that, I decided it was time for my own comeback. With that, and a long break , the blog is back bitches.