take the last bridge to goalville.

Goalville. You know the place, or rather the never never land you have entertained. And with that, you’ve stood on the edge, looking at the the bridge to Goalville. The bridge, well this is scary, because this is potentially how you might in fact cross to the place where you will be bigger and better. This in itself should raise discomfort, and quite frankly terrify you. Both the destination and the journey. The how you end up crossing may become irrelevant, the point is that you, yes you, you orchestrated this, you did it, you crossed the bridge to Goalville. The sometimes rocky, potentially against code bridge, you were brave enough to cross the bridge.

I struggled after I completed by MBA, with what was next? What was my next achievement? What would feed my soul, my need to make a difference as much as what I had felt coming out of my MBA?  So what did I do, I got married.

Nice one.

it was not until a flight (yes most of my epiphany’s occur in the air) that I realized, 8 years onward, post divorce, that what I really needed to give myself was was a swift kick, a shift in goal setting.

Changing up your goal setting, is a challenge, as a perpetual academic, and also scary, when you think about what you are used to.  Thinking about how we have until this point measured achievement, academic ones specifically, it is very cut and dry. You either do well, or you do not.

In the real world, benchmarks are more fluid and subjective. This is frightening.

So, for over achieving academics, options you reach a point where your options are to pursue more academia (I can literally feel my dad grimacing), take a random course, which likely won’t do much to get you excited, or finally to shake the snow globe, see where it all would land.

I say  shake the snowglobe, because we all deserve to do more than just exist.


Author: hotchildinthecity

Storyteller, Observer.

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